

[ Rate Increase Letter – 2024 ]

Dear Shiloh Water Customers,

The West Manchester Township Authority operates the Shiloh Water System and provides its customers with quality water at a reasonable price. In fact, the water is the least expensive in York County if not the entire state. The system was begun in 1950 and has expanded tremendously in the last seventy-three years, including the addition of water tanks, many additional miles of water mains and several new wells.

The system’s extremely low price for water can’t continue without putting the entire system in danger of not having the funds to replace its infrastructure when needed. For instance, the recently completed repainting of the Deerford Way standpipe cost over $800,000. Replacement of one mile of water main (and there are over 51 miles of pipe in the system) is estimated to cost over $750,000 per mile at today’s prices. In addition, additional testing and reporting requirements mandated by the state continue to drive our operating costs higher. Because of these current and future costs, the Authority has authorized a rate increase to take effect with water used starting December 1, 2023.

The new rate will increase the quarterly base charge from its current $21.00 per quarter to $24.00 per quarter. Water usage rates will increase from $2.50 per thousand gallons to $2.80 per thousand gallons.

The Authority believes periodic small increases to cover our increasing costs are easier for the homeowner to budget for than a large increase brought on by a major project expense. The Authority will continue to use these funds to increase our capital reserve fund so that main replacements, water tank maintenance, and unexpected repairs can be funded without incurring debt or causing large spikes in your rates.

Questions about these rate hikes can be directed to John Horvatinovic, the Manager of the Shiloh Water System at 717-309-1244.

Jim Bentzel Jr., Chairman
West Manchester Township Authority